Saturday 28 March 2009

The return of...that guy with the...thing?

Hello! Haven't been back in a while, so my apologies to anyone who may have been wondering just where I was and what I was doing.

Oh, nobody was? Oh good, then I've been here all the time! Where the hell have you been?!

Some news:

The downloads for Heartland Deluxe and Unbound have been experiencing a little hiccup recently, and I'm currently creating alternate download mirrors. As in right this very minute! In fact, typing this post is delaying me in doing so, so I'll cut it short. :P

I'll add a little "Everything is fine!" notice when the games are back up.

UPDATE: Everything is fine! I've mirrored both Heartland Deluxe and Unbound. (Un)Fortunately, Mediafire was the answer. You can access the downloads from the regular download pages...


Sorry to anyone who was trying to download, and thanks to everybody who brought it to my attention. :)


Centauri2002 said...

Just thought I'd pop by and take a gander at your blog since I've just played HD and really enjoyed it. I was happy to find the sequel and I'm currently downloading that. *urges download to speed up*

I was wondering how the third in your series of vignettes was coming along, actually. This seems like a good a place as any to ask. :P

LimpingFish said...

Hi, glad to hear you enjoyed HD. :)

The third game, Mobius, actually began production early last year, but due to my own misgivings with how it was shaping up, I decided to shelve the current build (a kind of "alpha" version, I suppose) and start again from scratch.

A combination of outside factors means I'm not as far into it's development as I would like to be, but hopefully something solid should appear before 2009 expires.

Thanks for taking the time to get in touch, and hopefully Unbound proved a worthwhile download. :)