Monday 29 January 2007


Heartland Deluxe has been nominated for two awards in the forthcoming AGS Awards 2006.
They are for Best Background Art and Best Short Game.

Thanks to everyone who nominated! :D

Arts and Crafts!

A box I mocked up for Heartland Deluxe. Yes, I do need to get out more.

Monday 22 January 2007

Spotted! The Sequel!

And there's more!
Heartland Deluxe features on the cover DVD of this months Level magazine. So off I go to the Czech Republic to buy a copy...

Sunday 21 January 2007


Heartland Deluxe appears in this months Games For Windows magazine (US).
It seems to be connected to the feature mentioned in the last post, as the the write-up for each game is identical and both are Ziff Davis Media properties.

Friday 19 January 2007

Heartland Deluxe 101!

Heartland Deluxe gets a mention on, in their 101 Free Games 2007 feature.

Thanks to Vince Twelve for the heads up. :)

Friday 12 January 2007

Another Review.

More from the Czech Republic regarding Heartland Deluxe here.
Translations welcome! :D

Sunday 7 January 2007


Heartland Deluxe was recently added to the MobyGames database, along with a review, some screenshots, and a user score of 3.8 out of 5. Yay! :D

Thanks go to MobyGames contributor Sciere.

Saturday 6 January 2007


Heartland Deluxe recently passed the 1000 downloads mark at the AGS website!

Thanks to everybody who took the time to download and play it. :D

Friday 5 January 2007

Chimps Ahoy!

Recently watched Phenomena again. Apart from another groovy score from Goblin, it features a chimp (armed with a straight-razor!) out for revenge! How could it not be great?!

Heartland Deluxe Walkthrough.

A nicely written walkthrough for Heartland Deluxe is available here.
Thanks to Chief on GameBoomers.

Tuesday 2 January 2007

The Zombie Vs Ambulance...

...gets my vote for one of the best videogame titles ever. And it does exactly what it says on the tin!

Monday 1 January 2007

Heartland Deluxe review.

A review of my game, Heartland Deluxe, is
It happens to be written in Czech, but all publicity is good publicity. :)

In the beginning...

Hello, and welcome to my blog. Here you will find opinions, projects, and general random rubbish, all plucked from the steaming recesses of my brain. Enjoy!